Worshipful Songs. This category declares the intimacy between God and His beloved. This is music for the heart. Yours and God's. |
Contemporary Praise and Songs of Thanksgiving. These selections offer jubilation and thankfulness to Jesus with heartfelt reverence and joy. This music would feel at home in a church service. |
Youthful Praise and Songs of Thanksgiving. Music for today's Christian youth. This is joyful exhaltation with an edge. Beyond the driving music, listen to the hearts behind the lyrics. |
Evangelistic Songs. These are life-changing songs, meant to edify and direct. The lyrics will encourage a new or growing relationship with Jesus Christ. These songs may be melodic or driving in nature. |
Worship Warfare. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood. This music is designed to put the devil to flight. Our target is not people or governments or nationalities. It is waged against powers and principalities in high places. Timber! |